Executive Coaching Solutions

Leaders are humans who are often expected to perform at elite levels even when health, domestic or psychological problems emerge. If a leader fails, the organisation incurs a real financial toll for replacing that leader, propping up their functions and or settling disputes. For this reason, many organisations realise that it would be cheaper to employ an executive coach who can help a leader to: Clarify goals, values and priorities,  Identify and eliminate self-limiting beliefs and destructive behaviours,  Resolve internal and external conflict and Identify issues that compromise performance. 


Why Executive Coaching?

Bishop Wayne has served as an adviser and personal coach to government, ministry and business leaders alike. His self-optimisation solutions are invaluable for those carrying the weight of leadership.

Feeling stuck, overwhelmed, exhausted or out of balance are all junctions that leaders face regularly on the success journey. While some choose to live in denial, others choose to partner with a confidential and professional coach, who can help them think through the issues and follow through on the best choices available. Those who stay in denial end up compounding the issues, making burnout inevitable.

If you are leading at the executive or management level and would like a free and confidential conversation with the Business Bishop; submit the form below:

Self-Optimisation Solutions

Leadership, in any sector, stretches and tests our character and convictions in unimaginable ways. At those times of testing, we all have to dig deep to find within ourselves the creativity and resilience to come out on top. Bishop Wayne’s Self-Optimisation Program sets out a systemic way of tapping into your own reserves, to locate your inner genius and to solve those problems.

The program is bespoke and doesn’t rely on knowledge of your industry. Instead Bishop Wayne focuses on you! He uses a series of professional coaching techniques to induce deep thought (thinking about your thoughts), emotional intelligence (state management) and introspective analysis to achieve clarity and a way forward. For a free and confidential conversation with Bishop Wayne, click the button below and submit the form.

Pastoral Coaching

In response to numerous requests from pastors and church leaders, Bishop Wayne is launching a Pastoral Coaching Program in 2022, aimed at supporting church leaders through the process of adapting to the new theological and operational landscape of the church. The global pandemic accelerated the inevitable in many sectors including the local church, Christian agencies and para-church ministries.

With the crisis has come an opportunity to innovate in a number of key areas. New ministry models are emerging, as are new funding strategies and outreach methods. Bishop Wayne seeks to support the innovative aspirations of church leaders through a global group of Pastors and Bishop’s who are ready to explore the opportunities of a post-pandemic world.

If joining this group is of interest to you, then sign up to get updates and information.