Paul was a Tent-Maker by Trade, as was Aquilla and Priscilla!

And because he was of the same craft, he abode with them, and wrought: for by their occupation they were tentmakers. Acts 18:3

The Program

A Network for Ministers

The Purpose

Financial independence

The Plan

Un-muzzling the Ox

For the Ox that treads out the corn!

The people that feed us must not go hungry!

Bishop Wayne is on a mission to liberate ministers of gospel from the fear of financial failure. Contrary to popular opinion, the average minister struggles to make ends meet, because they rely entirely on the church's income to secure their own income. The Ox that feeds us has been muzzled by a set of beliefs and a religious system that holds the minister hostage to their donors.

But what when the congregation is unable to offer the liberty and security of a dependable income? What if you had to close the church? What if you lost your job or were voted out? What if you had to preach an uncommon and unpopular theme that led to members leaving?

Many preachers are forced to work two and three jobs to feed their families while financing the ministry. It's not their fault! Unfortunately many inherited a model of ministry that relies entirely on donors and donations.

This model has been exposed and rocked by a series of political and economic tremors (inflation, job-insecurity, the pandemic etc) that have left donors unable to keep their original commitments. Additionally many ministers have no plan for retirement. They have inadequate insurance and no other streams of income.

Of course, this model is neither Biblical nor appropriate for the age in which we live. There is another model. It involves using your skillset to create a value-offer for the marketplace. This is how Paul financed his campaigns and missionary journeys. It is not a sin or failure for a pastor to be bi-vocational. It is, in fact, a modern imperative! This network aims to help ministers of the gospel to...

  • Embrace and celebrate their bi-vocational calling

  • Build businesses and income streams

  • Develop succession plans for the ministry

  • Secure adequate insurance against expensive emergencies

  • Liberate the preacher from the donor

Bishop Wayne Malcolm

The Business Bishop

If this message resonates with you...

Join the waiting list today, to get updates and details on what, why, when and how the TMI Network can serve your ministry and greater destiny.

Don't take my word for it...


Cecily Cooper

Jay Moore

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5900 Balcones Drive STE 100

Austin, TX


Assistance Hours

Mon – Friday 9:00am – 6:00pm

Sunday – CLOSED

Phone Number:

+1 - 231 - 225-0916 - US Office

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New York, NY, USA

BB Coaching Solutions

Spiritual Intelligence for Smart Entrepreneurs!

© 2025 BB Coaching Solutions - All Rights Reserved, Bishop Wayne Malcolm

+1 - 231 - 225-0916

Austin, TX, 78731