Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is now the popular phrase used to describe the art of handling emotionally charged situations. Your ability to stay focused under pressure, deal with conflict, handle criticism, diffuse anger, and manage other forms of confrontation can make or break you in business and in life. Climbing the corporate ladder can no longer be attributed to pure business genius, because today it requires a combination of business and emotional intelligences to make it to the top. 

As organisations continue to innovate and re-invent themselves they are increasingly employing flatter management styles which emphasising teamwork and group coaching. Instead of a manager simply giving orders to subordinates and expecting them to follow through, managers are now required to create and sustain high performing teams. This means keeping morale and team spirit high. It means motivating and empowering a team of people from diverse backgrounds with unique personalities, preferences and personal challenges to produce the best results in the fastest possible time. For this reason, mangers and bosses cannot get by on knowledge of the business alone; they must also know themselves and know their people in order to sustain the morale of a high performing team. 

This is not only true in the corporate world but it is also true of any organisation including the home. When two people, from different backgrounds, with differing values, beliefs, personal goals, drivers (motives) and rules (personal standards) work together within an enclosed space for the purpose of achieving a specific goal, there will exist the potential for clashes, confrontations, conflict and emotional outbursts. If you add to the mix a deadline and demands, then you are really creating a high pressure, high stress and potentially explosive environment. The potential for frustration, anger, jealousy, resentment, competition, greed, spite, gossip and conspiracy are always present within an organisation.

How well you manage your own emotions and the emotions of others in your team is called your level of emotional intelligence. It could otherwise be called your emotional quotient or EQ. Years ago your success in life was linked to your IQ, however time has proven that your IQ does not determine your success or failure in life. Folks with low IQ’s have often turned out to be geniuses and likewise folks with high IQ’s have often ended up on the scrap heap of wasted potential. IQ is no longer a valid indicator for predicting your future. On the other hand there is no doubt that in today’s world, your EQ (level of emotional intelligence) will secure or sabotage your own success in life. You will never master the complexities of your outer world if you cannot master the complexities of your own inner world. Self-mastery then, is the key to life mastery and managing yourself is the key to managing your environment.

The beautiful thing about EQ is that it can be developed and raised.

Start where you are, with what you have

Many people are waiting for things to cool down, normalise and stabilise before going back to work on their God-given dreams. This is a bad idea for the following reason:

Chaos is the cradle of creativity! You are no more creative than when you are in a crisis. In the beginning, God brought order out of chaos, light out of the dark and the beautiful out of the ugly. He didn’t bring order out of order! The truth is that all great things come out of a crisis. For example:

  • The Exodus came out of a crisis in Egypt 
  • Salvation came out of the crisis of the Cross.
  • The early church expanded as the result of the persecution and scattering of believers.  

What some consider to be the worst time to start, may in fact be the very best time to start! 

In business, an innovation comes out of a frustration with the status quo. The truth is that we only ever start looking for something new when the old collapses or simply doesn’t work anymore. Likewise, we only ever find the will to build a new reality when the pain of the OLD outweighs the potential pain of pursuing the NEW! 

Necessity is the mother of invention because the difficulty, adversity and uncertainty forces us to review, re-imagine and re-invent the things that no longer work. If it no longer works, we must find something that does!

Think about it #future #thefuture #courage #pioneers #

What now?

When bad things happen, we instinctively want to know why. It’s as though we believe that the answer to that question will somehow make the experience go away or possibly bring back what was lost. It is often a manifestation of denial.

Why did I get sick? Why did I lose my job? Why did my marriage fail? Why me? The truth is that a thousand good answers to those questions will not erase your experience or recover anything that you lost. Additionally, the questions we ask ourselves will elicit and determine our emotional state, so that some of our questions are plunging us deeper into discouragement, depression and despair.

The best question to ask is: what now? This question focuses your attention on an appropriate response to the situation. It accepts that a bad thing happened and then looks for the good you can bring out of it. It puts you in control of what’s next and activates a subconscious search for options, solutions and opportunities. What is the situation forcing you to become or to do? What change does the situation demand of you? What will you do differently next time? What lessons can you learn from the experience?

These are transformational questions because the answers will set you in motion towards better outcomes.  Why – is a stagnant question because it induces an argument and not an action! Our quest for answers is valid and noble but never at the expense of progress! Think about it #why #answers #progress #whatnow

My thoughts on the Global Pandemic

The global pandemic was and is BAD, but it forced us all to focus on a new set of priorities. It forced us to do some GOOD things. Things we should have done a long time ago.  

  1. It forced us all into cyberspace 
  2. It forced us to learn new skills
  3. It forced us to actively enquire after each other’s welfare
  4. It forced us to consider and care for the most vulnerable in our community
  5. It forced us to focus on the family
  6. It forced us to cultivate a personal relationship with God, considering the fact that our own people couldn’t visit us at home or in a hospital.  
  7. It forced us to build a sanctuary of praise and worship in our own homes
  8. It forced us to priorities our own health, fitness and mortality
  9. It forced us to review and re-imagine our businesses
  10. It forced us to employ hybrid business solutions that included a digital and physical version of the organisation 
  11. It forced us to update our theologies and philosophies 
  12. It forced us to ask and answer difficult questions 

Force is a kingdom principle. Joseph never went to Egypt because of his dreams. He went because he was forced to. Passion pulls us, while pressure pushes us. Either way, we are set in motion and with that motion comes momentum. Think about it #pandemic #progress #motion #momentum #newday #newway 

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Quisque vitae pulvinar ligula, quis sagittis quam. Maecenas tristique, felis sit amet hendrerit porta, erat justo lobortis tortor, non tempor erat mi consequat velit. Sed lacus ante, varius vitae molestie at, ultrices sed ligula. Curabitur mattis, neque vel tristique sagittis, erat erat porttitor augue, et tristique purus odio a felis.

Vivamus eu tempor nunc. Donec eu gravida diam. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Praesent pretium leo augue, ut aliquet felis porttitor in. Aenean consectetur leo ut elit rutrum, eu aliquam arcu consequat. Quisque id sem vel odio molestie tincidunt sed non dui. Praesent in congue nulla, ac convallis justo. Suspendisse nunc augue, efficitur in nibh ac, sodales pulvinar tortor. Ut tristique neque magna, id vestibulum tortor lacinia vel. Vestibulum at ligula sit amet arcu maximus dapibus et id nisl. Maecenas vitae nisl at ipsum faucibus gravida ac vel risus.

The Most Important Goal Aspiring Coaches Need to Set

Praesent vestibulum, nisl posuere blandit placerat, felis purus cursus metus, id venenatis arcu mauris vel tellus. Phasellus iaculis mollis tellus pulvinar convallis. Praesent porta, quam ultricies blandit gravida, ex erat cursus urna, vel commodo nulla arcu ut nibh. Curabitur fringilla mauris suscipit justo facilisis auctor. Quisque gravida dolor vulputate purus pretium, a semper mi maximus. Duis elementum euismod justo non pharetra. Sed bibendum erat quis condimentum dapibus. Maecenas vestibulum, est vitae suscipit pulvinar, urna dolor finibus lorem, at rutrum lectus enim sit amet ante. Fusce ornare erat eget rutrum sodales.

Sed orci elit, lobortis vel faucibus in, pretium ut ipsum. Etiam ante dolor, lacinia in consequat eu, tempor nec magna. Nulla luctus ante tortor, eu vestibulum libero ultricies id. Quisque vitae pulvinar ligula, quis sagittis quam. Maecenas tristique, felis sit amet hendrerit porta, erat justo lobortis tortor, non tempor erat mi consequat velit.