Bishop Wayne Malcolm

Thank you for visiting my website and specifically this page. I guess its impossible to accurately summarise a person on a page but I do hope this gives you a glimpse into my wonderful world of personal development as it relates to professional success.

Wayne Malcolm

Author, Speaker, Coach, Consultant, Humanitarian

Wayne Malcolm started his professional life in financial services as an independent consultant, who earned commissions only. He was effectively forced to consume success literature and attend motivational seminars in order to survive and quickly learned how to become successfully self employed.

He left this business in favour of his call to Christian ministry, but did not leave the motivational environment behind. This period seeded in him a love of learning and an addiction to personal development. As a result of reading over 1000 books and attending scores of seminars, employing coaches and mentors in multiple business disciplines, Wayne became known as the Business Bishop. Bishop Wayne is a duly consecrated Bishop in the Christian church who presides over a network of churches, agencies and initiatives called iCAN.

His intuitive foresight and ability to anticipate trends coupled with his knowledge of success systems, positioned him as an adviser to leaders in business, ministry and government.

Wayne Malcolm is a motivational teacher with over 30 years experience as a keynote speaker, trainer and executive coach. He has addressed audiences on four continents, from as small as 5 to as large as 500,000 in multiple sectors including the public, private, voluntary and religious sectors. He is a specialist who teaches with motivational flare on the laws of achievement, personal development, managerial and success sciences.

Ancient Wisdom

Works in the modern world

The personal development industry gained prominence after the great depression, when enlightened Christian leaders fused Theology with Psychology to produce a Philosophy of Success. Success classics like ‘Think and Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill,  ‘As a Man Thinketh’ by James Allen or ‘The Power of Positive Thinking’ by Norman Vincent Peale, were all born out of a metaphysical (psychological)  interpretation of the Scriptures.

Critical Skills

Success Seminars
The critical skills for professional success are the soft skills that are taken for granted in universities and schools. Emotional and social intelligences are often overlooked in business schools that focus on strategy, technology and techniques. The truth is that tools are only as good as the people who use them. The Business Bishop offers both public and private seminars and workshops on a wide range of critical skills. Download our list of current subjects here.